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Workforce Acronyms

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

ABE Adult Basic Education
ACSI American Customer Satisfaction Index
ADA American with Disabilities Act
AJCC America’s Job Center of California
AMI Average Medium Income
BLS Bureau of Labor Statistics
BOS Board of Supervisors
BPPE Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education
BWF Base Wage File
CalWORKs California Work Opportunity and Responsibilities to Kids
CAO County Administrative Office
CAP Client Assistance Program
CBO Community-Based Organization
CBU Capacity Building Unit
CDE California Department of Education
CETA Comprehensive Employment & Training
CLEO Chief Local Elected Official
CFR Code of Federal Regulations
CHHSA California Health & Human Svcs Agency
COB Close of Business
COCCC Chancellor's Office of the California Community Colleges
COLA Cost of Living Allowance
CRD Compliance Review Division
CRT Classroom Training
CWA California Workforce Association
CWD County Welfare Department
CWDA County Welfare Directors Association
CWIB State Board or California Workforce Investment Board
CY Calendar Year
DCSS Department of Child Support Services
DI Disability Insurance
DMV Department of Motor Vehicles
DOE Department of Education
DOL U.S. Department of Labor
DOR Department of Rehabilitation
DOT Department of Transportation
DSS Department of Social Services
DTA Department of Transitional Assistance
DUA Division of Unemployment Assistance
DVOP Disabled Veterans Outreach Program
DW Dislocated Worker
DWD Department of Workforce Development
EA Emergency Assistance
EAS Employment Assistance Services
EC Executive Committee
ED Economic Development
EDD Employment Development Department
EEO Equal Employment Opportunity
EEOC Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
EEOP Equal Employment Opportunity Program
EO Equal Opportunity
ESL English as a Second Language
ESOL English for Speakers of Other Languages
ETA Employment & Training Administration
ETP Employment Training Panel
ETPL Eligible Training Provider List
FA Fiscal Agent
FBO Faith-Based Organization
FLSA Fair Labor Standards Act
FMU Financial Management Unit
FR Federal Register
FSR Feasibility Study Report
FY Fiscal Year
FYI For Your Information
GAO General Accounting Office
GCEPD Governor's Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities
GED General Equivalency Diploma
GSA General Services Administration
HART Healthcare Advisory Roundtable
HCD Housing and Community Development
HDP Homeless Demonstration Project
HHS U.S. Dept of Health & Human Services
HHSA California Health & Human Svcs Agency
HUD US Department of Housing and Urban Development
IEP Individual Employment Plan
ILP Independent Living Program
INS Immigration and Naturalization Service
IRS U.S. Internal Revenue Service
ISO Information Security Officer
ISS Individual Service Strategy
ITA Individual Training Account
JAN Job Accommodation Network
JPA Joint Powers Agreement
JTA Job Training Automation System
JTPA Job Training Partnership Act
K-12 Kindergarten through 12th grade, also elementary and secondary education
LEP Limited English Proficiency
LLSIL Lower Living Standard Income Level
LMI Labor Market Information
LMID Labor Market Information Division
LWIA Local Workforce Investment Area
LWIB Local Workforce Investement Board
MCWDB Monterey County Workforce Development Board
MIS Management Information System
MOA Memorandum of Agreement
MOU Memorandum of Understanding
MSA Metropolitan Statistical Area
NAWB National Association of Workforce Boards
NCP Non-Custodial Parent
NEG National Emergency Grant
NFA Notice of Fund Availability
OET Office for Employment Training
OIG U.S. Office of Inspector General
OJT On-the-Job Training
OL Organized Labor
OMB Office of Management and Budget
O*NET Occupational Information Network
OS Oversight Committee
OSCC America’s Job Center of California (formerly One Stop Career Center)
OSHA Occupational Safety & Health Admin
PA Public Assistance
PDF Adobe Portable Document Format
PIC Private Industry Council
PS Private Sector
PY Program Year
Q&A Questions and Answers
RFP Request for Proposal
RFQ Request for Qualifications
RR Rapid Response
SALT State-Approved Local Training
SBA Small Business Administration
SBDC Small Business Development Center
SFP Solicitation for Proposal
SMSA Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas
SOP Standard Operating Procedure
SSA Social Security Administration/Agency
SSN Social Security Number
TA Technical Assistance
TAA Trade Adjustment Assistance
TAG Technical Assistance Guide
TANF Temporary Assistance to Needy Families
TEGL Training & Employment Guidance Letter
TEIN Training & Employment Information Notice
TQM Total Quality Management
UC Unemployment Compensation
UCS Unemployment Compensation System
UI Unemployment Insurance
UIB Unemployment Insurance Benefits
UIC Unemployment Insurance Claimant
USC United States Code
VA Veterans Administration
VA U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
VocEd Vocational Education
VR Vocational Rehabilitation
WARN Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act
WDS Workforce Development System
WEx Work Experience
WIA Workforce Investment Act of 1998
Title I Adult Program (age 18 over)
Title I Dislocated Workers
Title I Youth (age 14-21, in and out of school youth)
WIASRD Workforce Investment Act Standardized Record Data
WDB Workforce Development Board
WIC Women, Infants and Children Program
WID Workforce Services Division
WOTC Work Opportunity Tax Credit
WP Wagner Peyser
WtW Welfare-to-Work
  No acronyms or abbreviated terms
YC Youth Council
YOA Year of Allocation
  No acronyms or abbreviated terms
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