Key Facts
The Monterey County Workforce Development Board (WDB) was established through the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) in 1998, which was superseded by the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) on July 22, 2014.
WIOA is a federally funded program designed to help job seekers access employment, education, training, and support services to succeed in the labor market and to match employers with the skilled workers they need to compete in the global economy. WIOA funded programs and services are provided through the America’s Job Center of California (formerly One-Stop Career Center) and community partners, under the policy and guidance of the Monterey County WDB.
Other key facts about the Monterey County WDB & Youth Committee:
- The WDB Agency (staff to the WDB) is a division of the Monterey County Economic Development Department (www.co.monterey.ca.us/EconomicDevelopment/)
- The WDB is a governance board with authority to oversee and develop workforce policy
- It is responsible for managing Department of Labor funds provided to Monterey County for employment and training services
- It is comprised of local business leaders and other representatives, appointed by the Monterey County Board of Supervisors (www.co.monterey.ca.us/cob/supervisor.htm)
- WDB members serve a 3-year term and must represent business, education, labor organizations, community based organizations, economic development, Wagner-Peyser, rehabilitation, and other representatives determined to be appropriate and appointed by the Monterey County Board of Supervisors
- Through the America’s Job Center of CaliforniaSM, the workforce delivery system serves over 500 employers and assists over 6,000 people to secure employment each year
- The WDB receives $5–6 million annually in federal WIOA funding to support employment and training programs designed for job seekers, laid-off workers, businesses and at-risk youth
- The WDB annually secures over $1 million dollars in Non-WIOA competitive and special project grants for community partnerships, innovative programs and to expand existing services
- The WDB may establish a Youth Committee and Business Services Committee that are standing committees of the local Board. Both the Youth Committee and Business Services Committee are required to meet regularly and must include members that represent the full WDB and local community.
- Youth Committee members serve a 2-year term and recommend programs and proposals for funding to the WDB, provides oversight of youth programs, and foster collaboration and integration of youth activities
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- WDB Chair, Erik Cushman, Publisher, Monterey County Weekly
- WDB 1st Vice Chair, Mary Ann Leffel, Founding Principal, Veritas Associates LLC
- WDB 2nd Vice Chair, Paula Calvetti, HR Director, Hyatt Regency Monterey / Hyatt Carmel Highlands
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The MCWDB is currently comprised of the following committees:
- Executive Committee – is responsible for membership assignments, coordination and review of standing committees and all duties of the full board during the interim period between WDB meetings.
- Oversight Committee – performs periodic evaluation of WIOA fiscal and program performance of the America’s Job Center of CaliforniaSM, service providers, sub-contractors and grants.
- Youth Committee – makes recommendations to the WDB regarding youth programs and proposals for funding, provides oversight of WIOA youth programs, and fosters collaboration and integration of youth activities.
- Business Services Committee – focuses on services to and for employers, including training of incumbent workers, new hires and potential hires that meet the workforce needs of high demand sectors by preparing skilled workers for employment in competitive and emergent industry sectors.
- Regularly Scheduled Meetings Occur:
- Full MCWDB – 1st Wednesday of every other month at 8:00 am
- Executive Committee – 3rd Wednesday of every month at 8:00 am
- Oversight Committee – 2nd Thursday of every other month at 8:30 am
- Youth Committee – 4th Monday of every other month at 4:00 pm
- Business Services Committee – 2nd Tuesday of every other month at 4:00 pm