Monterey County Workforce Development Board (WDB) and Youth Committee Members
The Monterey County Workforce Development Board (WDB) is responsible for providing oversight and policy direction for the utilization of Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) funds in Monterey County. The WDB is a majority business-led body, appointed by the Monterey County Board of Supervisors. The WDB, whose composition is defined by the WIOA, includes individuals representing business leaders, local educational entities, labor organizations, community-based organizations, economic development agencies, Wagner-Peyser, and Rehabilitation agencies.
The Youth Committee is responsible for the system design, procurement and oversight of youth services within the America’s Job Center of CaliforniaSM and the subcontracted youth service providers, ensuring that the youth service system leverages, coordinates and integrates all available resources to effectively focus on the needs of Monterey County youth.