Training & Resources
Reference the information below on education and training opportunities:
Online Training
- At Your Service: Welcoming Customers with Disabilities
A free, accessible, self-paced web course for people interested in discovering best practices for working with customers who have disabilities. - CareerOneStop Online Coach
An online tool that walks users step by step through the tasks for job search and business resources on the CareerOneStop websites. - Talent Knows No Limits/Way to Work!
The training will focus on effective practices that enable America’s Job Center of California (formerly One-Stop Career Center) staff to provide comprehensive employment services to persons with disabilities. - Disability Human Resource
Workforce and human resource professionals now have access to on-line training programs - the Human Resource Training Series. Select the link above, then click on the link “Click to Register” and proceed as prompted. You may leave blank the request for Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) affiliation if you are not a SHRM member. Once you complete the registration process, you will receive a User Name and Password and automatically go to the Human Resource Training modules. - AB 1234 Ethics Training for Local Officials
The Institute for Local Government, the County of Monterey as well as the state and local agency officials collaborated to create an on-line training program to allow local officials to satisfy the requirements of AB 1234 on a cost-free basis. Note: This is a self-serve training program. Completion certificates must be printed at the end of the training. No copies can be retained by the program or the website. - WIA Performance Enhancement Project
Online training courses such as Enhancing Performance Outcomes are targeted for front line adult and dislocated worker One-Stop Career Center staff, WIA youth provider staff, Wagner-Peyser/VETS employment services staff, program supervisors and administrators, Workforce Development Board members and staff, and others who can benefit from a better understanding of how to achieve enhanced performance outcomes for customers and programs.
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State and National Training Information & Resources
- California Employment Training Network
The Employment Training Network (ETN) is a multi-faceted, full-service program created by the Employment Development Department (EDD) to assist in the development and implementation of effective Workforce Investment Act (WIA) programs. The ETN is administered by the Association of California School Administrators (ACSA) and is funded by the EDD Workforce Investment Division. - California Workforce Association
CWA supports regional and community system building through the provision of training, technical assistance and access to a peer network of practitioners around the State. CWA is funded by membership dues, grants and registration fees. - Center for Learning Connections, Highline Community College
The Center achieves its mission by designing training and managing projects to help individuals and organizations respond to change and improve quality... especially effective in working with educators..., human services and workforce development professionals, and community based organizations. - Dynamic Works Institute, Inc.
Dynamic Works Institute, Inc. offers multiple online certification programs for workforce professionals covering national information, information specific to serving migrant and seasonal farm workers, and state-specific information. Certification programs and courses can be customized to meet your specific need. - National Association of Workforce Boards (NAWB)
NAWB offers workforce resource updates, publications and briefs to keep you connected to what’s in Washington and access the right tools that helps them to make informed, smart decisions about how to invest in local workforce strategies. - Workforce3 One
Offers the workforce system, employers, economic development professionals, and education professionals an innovative knowledge network designed to create and support a demand-driven community. You must be a registered Workforce3 One user to sign up for webinars or view Self-paced Learning!
To Post a Training Opportunity
To submit a training opportunity to post on this website, please email Marleen Esquerra at esquerraml@co.monterey.ca.us or call (831) 796-6412. Please include a description of the training event, provider, location, date, time, point of contact and any other useful information.