Grant Awards & Special Projects
Monterey County Workforce Development Board continues to collaborate with the Monterey County Probation Department, the lead agency for the implementation of the AB 109 Public Safety Realignment Act special project, in partnership with the Department of Social Services and Office for Employment Training to provide ongoing personal, educational and career counseling, assessment of workforce skills and abilities and to develop service strategies that encompass appropriate training, and placement in subsidized employment opportunities to ex-offenders.
- Funding Source: Assembly Bill (AB) 109 Public Safety Realignment. Contract with Monterey County Probation Department
- Grant Award: $395,675
- Grant Period: June 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016
This project is a partnership between the Monterey County Workforce Development Board, Monterey County Probation Department, Office for Employment Training and other community-based organizations to support the Silver Star Program with a primary purpose to provide prevention services for youth and their families. The program’s mission is to utilize a multi-agency collaborative of prevention and early intervention services to prevent and reduce gang association, membership and activities among youth ages 18 to 21 in Monterey County. Services include job preparation, job placement, youth corps work experience, gang outreach, and gang intervention.
- Funding Source: Contract with Monterey County Department of Social Services
- Grant Award: $250,000
- Grant Period: July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2016
Monterey County Workforce Development Board plans to continue participating in a special project grant entitled “Workforce Strategies to Serve the Long Term Unemployed in California” as one of four local workforce development area’s (LWDA) to serve participants that are 40 years and older, and are unemployed more than 26 weeks. The total grant award is $970,000. The four participating LWDAs include: SELACO, Monterey, NOVA, Kern/Inyo/Mono Consortium, based on interest, geographic diversity and economy diversity.
- Funding Source: Contract with Monterey County Department of Social Services
- Grant Award: $120,829
- Grant Period: October 1, 2014 to September 30, 2016
Monterey County Workforce Development Board is involved in the design, development, and implementation of projects that accelerate employment and re-employment strategies for job seekers, in collaboration with the San Benito and Santa Cruz County WDBs to create and prototype innovative strategies that bridge education and workforce gaps for targeted populations, and initial implementation of promising models and practices in workforce system service delivery infrastructure. The intent is to accelerate skill development, employment, and reemployment for one or more of the target populations (long-term unemployed, returning veterans, individuals with disabilities, low-income workers, disconnected youth, and ex-offenders).
This project is a second round grant award from the State of California WDB that will support the Workforce Innovation Fund (WIF) “Youth Ambassadors for Peace” project by allowing young people ages 16-24 the opportunity of a paid internship once the program milestones are met.
- Funding Source: State of California Workforce Development Board
- Grant Award: $100,000
- Grant Period: July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016
Under the WIF “Youth Ambassadors for Peace” project, the Monterey County Workforce Development Board intends to support innovative approaches to the design and delivery of employment and training services that generate long term improvements in the performance of the public workforce system, outcomes for job seekers and employers, and cost effectiveness.
- Funding Source: Department of Labor, Workforce Innovation Fund (WIF)
- Amount: $3,000,000
- Term: October 1, 2014 to September 30, 2019
- Press Release: http://www.dol.gov/newsroom/releases/eta/eta20141754
Monterey County Workforce Development Board plans to continue collaborating with the Department of Social Services and Office for Employment Training to support YEP, a subsidized youth employment program that works with local employers to place youth in temporary employment positions to learn the job skills necessary to achieve their goals. Participants also attend regular job development workshops and training. The goal is to prepare each youth for future unsubsidized employment. Participants are current CalWORKs recipients who are between the ages of 16 and 24, who are motivated and ready to participate in employment and job skills training.
- Funding Source: Contract with Monterey County Department of Social Services
- Amount: $383,685
- Term: July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016