“Turning Point's program is great. I learned to improve my communication skills, make a job portfolio and resume. I now have the confidence to get a job and I'm also getting my high school diploma.”
Christen Vega - Client of Turning Point's Youth Program, WDB Subcontractor
“From day one, Arbor gave me everything I needed to learn computers and to get a job. I started as a delivery driver, and then moved on to become an Office Assistant, then an Office Manager.”
Zeny Windham - Client of Arbor's WIA Adult Program, WDB Subcontractor

WDB Subcontractors
In accordance with the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) and other applicable laws and regulations, the Monterey County Workforce Development Board (WDB) releases Requests for Proposal that are open and competitive procurements that provide Monterey County with the most cost effective solutions that best meet the employment and training service needs of Monterey County residents.
Turning Point of Central California – Provide services to WIOA eligible youth, 16 to 24 years of age, with barriers to education and employment.
- WIOA Title I Youth Program
- Ms. Deborah Carrillo, Executive Director
Turning Point of Central California
115 E. San Luis Street, Salinas, CA 93901
Phone: (831) 422-8852 and (831) 422-9171
Email: rchaveztp@sbcglobal.net and dcarrillotp@sbcglobal.net
Website: www.turningpointwebsite.org