Performance Goals
The Monterey County Workforce Development Board (WDB) uses two sets of performance standards to include Common Measures and Contract Performance Measures to oversee the workforce investment system effectively and to evaluate the performance of their Workforce Investment Act (WIA) service providers.
Common Measures
Common Measures are required standards or goals set by the Department of Labor each year for local workforce investment areas. They are an integral part of the performance accountability system and are calculated at the end of each Program Year. A Program Year begins on July 1st and ends on June 30th of the following year. These measures are calculated based on the number of participants enrolled and their date of exit from a WIA funded program.
Adult & Dislocated Worker Common Measures: WIA Adult and Dislocated Worker programs are measured by three Common Measures that include Entered Employment Rate, Retention Rate, and Average Earnings. The purpose of these measures is to identify core areas of the workforce system that impact the number of people who found jobs; whether or not they stayed employed; and what they earned. The Adult and Dislocated Worker Common Measure Goals for Program Year 2013-14 are as follows:
ADULT - Common Measures |
Performance Goals 2013-14 |
Performance Goals Achieved 2013-14 |
Success Rate 2013-14 |
1. Entered Employment Rate | 62.1% | 74.4% | 120% |
2. Retention Rate | 74.0% | 75.2% | 102% |
3. Average Earnings | $10,129 | $10,581 | 104% |
DISLOCATED WORKER - Common Measures |
Performance Goals 2013-14 |
Performance Goals Achieved 2013-14 |
Success Rate 2013-14 |
1. Entered Employment Rate | 61.8% | 74.5% | 121% |
2. Retention Rate | 75.6% | 83.5% | 110% |
3. Average Earnings | $13,122 | $19,518 | 149% |
Youth Common Measures: WIA Youth programs are measured by three Common Measures that include Placement in Employment or Education, Attainment of a Degree or Certificate, and Literacy and Numeracy Gains. The purpose of these measures is to identify core areas of the workforce system that impact the number of youth who found jobs or enrolled in post-secondary education, training and or occupational skills training; achieved a high school diploma, GED, or certificate; and increased their literacy and numeracy levels from the start of their program. The Youth Common Measure Goals for Program Year 2013-14 are as follows:
YOUTH - Common Measures |
Performance Goals 2013-14 |
Performance Goals Achieved 2013-14 |
Success Rate 2013-14 |
1. Placement in Employment or Education | 70.1% | 72.4% | 103% |
2. Attainment of a Degree or Certificate | 64.3% | 83.1% | 129% |
3. Literacy and Numeracy Gains | 61.0% | 81.3% | 133% |
Exclusions: WIA participants who receive only self-service or informational activities are excluded from the Common Measures performance accountability system.
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Contact Performance Measures (Plan vs. Actual)
The Monterey County Workforce Development Board (WDB) uses a plan vs. actual analysis to evaluate the performance, budget expenditures and progress of WIA programs and subcontractors at the local level on a monthly and quarterly basis throughout the Program Year.
The Contract Performance Measures are based on the percentage rates of planned (contractual) performance numbers to actual performance numbers throughout the Program Year. The planned performance numbers are derived from each WIA subcontractor’s contract, which is negotiated before the start of each Program Year. Each subcontractor has different planned performance numbers based on their statement of work, enrollment goals, staffing structure, budgets, and other deliverables.
The Contract Performance Measures include the following:
- Planned enrollments compared with actual enrollments
- Planned participants entered into training (on-the job training, individual training accounts, work experience) compared with actual number trained
- Planned placements into employment compared with actual placements
- Planned budget allocations compared with actual expenditures (staff salaries/benefits, supportive services, etc.)
- Average cost per enrollment and placement
- Average wage and gains
- Planned exits compared with actual exits
- Youth credentials achieved
- Youth literacy and numeracy gains