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Job Seekers

Visit the CalJOBS system to search the full-service employment online system to find and view job openings, create and post resumes, look for training, and much more!

  • 10 Steps for Job Seekers - explore 10 steps that you can follow on the path to a new job (from employer and job searches through resume writing and interviewing).
  • Find Job Openings - Find current job openings. If you have a job order number from a previous search, click here to search by that number.
  • Job Market Trends - Assess current market trends based on available job orders in the system.
  • Resume Builder - Work with our Resume Builder. This easy-to-use tool will help you create, store, update, and post your resume online.
  • Letter Builder - Work with our Letter Builder. This easy-to-use tool will help you create, store, and update the letters you will need during a job search.
  • Employers Posting Jobs - View employers who have jobs available in the system.
  • Employers - Find detailed information on employers that may be of interest to you. These employers may or may not have any current job openings.
  • Virtual Recruiter - Have our Virtual Recruiter schedule a recurring search for job openings that meet your qualifications.
  • KickStart Program - Entry employment program is about providing ex-offenders with the tools to find a job.

Contact Us Directly!

Our team of professionals located at the America’s Job Center of CaliforniaSM in Monterey County offers a full range of coordinated career services at no-cost to job seekers.  Services include access to computers with Internet connectivity, information on career planning, job fairs and recruitment events, career and interest assessments, access to job search/career exploration websites, employment referrals, labor market and occupational information, workshops on resume writing, interview techniques, job search, and social networking, and other employment and training related resources. 

For more information, visit the comprehensive America’s Job Center of CaliforniaSM located at the Salinas Airport Business Park, 730 La Guardia Street, Salinas, CA 93905, or call (831) 796-3600 and ask to speak to an Employment Center Representative.